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8 Dangerous trainers


Thud,thud ,thud

My big brother’s got some new trainers. He wears them all the time.

Thud, thud, thud! When he runs upstairs in the,m the whole house shakes. Mum shouts, ?Stop that noise!?My brother’s new trainers are big and puffy and purple. They’ve got soles as thick as tractor tyres.

Clump, clump. He’s clumping to his bedroom. ‘Gangway!’ he shouts. I have to squash myself against the wall, so my feet don’t get crushed ?I hate your horrible trainers!? I tell him.

?They’re dangerous.’ But he just clumps downstairs again. Thud, thud, thud. The front door slams. Thank goodness- he’s gone out. It’s nice and peaceful now. I can lie here on the floor and read my book.

Stomp, stomp, stomp. The floor begins to tremble. Is a herd of elephants heading this way? No, it’s the new trainers. Here they come again-like great, purple, crushing machines.

?Mind my book. You’re trampling on it!?

My big brother throws himself into a chair. He props his big purple feet up on one another.

?I can’t see the telly now! It’s my favourite programme. Your trainers are in the way!?. Mum says: ?those new trainers are a menace! Take them off in the house. ?

But my brother says, ?I love my new trainers. They are great, I am never going to take them off! Not ever!? ?Then do up those dangly laces!? sighs mum. ?You’ll break your neck!? But my brother just clumps outside. His long laces dangle behind him. And his monster trainers squash all the little daisies on the grass.

I hate those new trainers. They should be banned. My brother even wants to go to bed in his new trainers. But mum says: ?I’ve never heard of anything so silly. Take them off. ? So he climbs up to his top bunk bed. He throws down his new trainers. Whump, whump, so they land near my bottom bunk bed.

Mum switches off our light. I lie in the dark and watch the dangerous trainers. They seem to be even bigger at night. They’ve got two big purple tongues that stick out at me and go, ?Ya boo.? They’ve got little eyes, like a spider. The eyes are watching me back! The trainers are alive. ?Don’t be silly,? I tell myself. Trainers can’t be alive.

I close my eyes so I can’t see the trainers any more. Then I fall asleep. But next morning, when I wake up, the trainers have m oved. There’s no doubt about it. They are under my brother’s computer desk now. And they are neatly side by side. My big brother didn’t move them because he is still in the top bunk, snoring. You have been out, haven’t you? I wag my finger at the trainers. ?When we were all asleep you went out on your own didn’t you??But the trainers don’t say a word. ?Wait until tonight,? I warn them. ?I didn’t see you go out last night because I fell asleep. But tonight I’ll stay awake. I’ll catch you, just wait and see.?The top bunk’s creaking. My big brother’s waking up.

A life of their own

?Your trainers are alive,? I tell him. ?They go out at night on their own, without you. You know those little metal holes where you put your laces? Well, they aren’t lace holes. They’re eyes. Your trainers have got lots of eyes, like spiders. Did you know that? And they’ve got big slurpy purple tongues. ?

But my brother just groans ?you do talk a load of rubbish!? Then he turns over and goes back to sleep. Those trainers are getting me really mad. They’re wrecking my things. Today I found my crayons mashed into the carpet.

?you shouldn’t have left them on the floor,? said my brother.

But I bet those trainers did it. Clump, clump, clump. You can’t get away from them. You can hear them all over the house. ?Who squashed this chewing gum into the carpet?? shouts mum.

?it’s these trainers,? says my big brother. ?I haven’t got used to them yet.? they’re so big and heavy I can’t control them. They keep treading on things! ?Don’t be silly,? says mum. ?It’s your fault, not your trainers. You’re talking as if your trainers have a life of their own.?Mum doesn’t know it. But she’s exactly right. Those trainers do have a life of their own. They have a secret life. They go out at night, on their own when we’re all asleep. They must do, mustn’t they? How else could they be in a different place by morning?

Tonight I’m going to prove it. I’m going to prove it. I’m going to follow those trainers and see where they go. I’m going to spy on them.

It’s night time. It must be very late because the house is quiet. Mum and dad are in bed. But I’m not asleep. I’m watching those trainers, like I said I would.

It’s hard work. My eyes keep closing. ?Don’t fall asleep!? I whisper to myself. ?Stay awake!?The trainers are behaving themselves so far. They haven’t moved at all. But their spider eyes are glittering in the dark. I don’t trust them. They’re very sneaky. As soon as I close my eyes they’ll be off, on their own. But my eyelids are so heavy. My head is dropping down. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

The trainers are on the move! I knew it. I knew they had a secret life. They’re marching down the stairs. Clump, clump,clump. What if they wake up mum and dad? But they don’t. Even though they’re making an awful din. I sli p out of bed and follow them. I tip-toe down the stairs in my bare feet.

At the bottom of the stairs the trainers stop. They look around. ?Ah ha,? I think. ?You’re trapped now. The front door is locked.? but the trainers aren’t trapped. Have you ever seen a hamster squeeze through a tiny space? The trainers can do that. They squeeze, like purple toothpaste, though the letter box. First one, then the other.

Oh no, they’re escaping. I look out through the glass bit in the front door. They’re stomping down the garden path! I turn the key in the front door and let myself out. Mum would go mad if she knew. It’s very late. There’s a big silver moon in the sky. And I’m out here in the garden, in my pyjamas.

But I’m on a mission. I’m finding out all about the secret life of trainers. I’m finding out what they do when we’re all asleep. I hide behind a bush and spy on them. At first, they look very innocent. They’re walking around the garden in the moonlight. Just walking.

?That’s not dangerous, ?I think, ?They’re just out for a walk, that’s all. A walk in the moonlight.? but no. A moth flies by. And suddenly, the trainers spring into action. One of them throws out a lace like a lasso.

Got it! The moth flutters. But it can’t get free. Then the big purple tongue flicks o ut and, gulp, the moth is gone. I can’t believe it! The trainers aren’t taking a walk. They’re hunting. Hunting for things to eat. My brother’s trainers are carnivorous!

They’re very good hunters. They guzzle everything in sight. A shiny black beetle trund les across the grass. He doesn’t stand a chance. Flick goes the lace and he’s dragged into the trainer’s purple throat. Crunch, crunch. ?Burp!? goes the trainer.

A worm pops its head up. Wham! Goes a trainer and stomps on it. The other trainer licks it up with its tongue. The trainers sniff the air. They’re looking for something else to gobble. I hear a rustling in the bushes. A baby mouse pops out its pink nose. Oh no! The trainers’ eyes gleam at each other. They stay very, very quiet. They’re waiting. The baby mouse darts out of the grass. ?Run, mouse, run!? I shout, ?You’re in deadly danger. The trainers will gobble you up! Run for your life!?

Leave them alone!

But the baby mouse doesn’t hear me. He doesn’t know what danger he’s in. He doesn’t know about the carnivorous trainers.

He pitter-patters nearer, nearer. Fast as you can blink, the laces flick out. He’s tied up like an Egyptian mummy! A big purple tongue slides out and -- ?will you stop shouting?? says my brother. ?I’m trying to get some sleep!? I sit up in bed. ?I saw them. I saw your trainers. They were out in the garden hunting. They crunch beetles. They lick up worms. They tied a baby mouse up like a mummy. ?

?what? ? says my brother, rubbing his eyes. ?Did you say a baby mouse?? ?Yes,? I cry. ?And I can prove it. Look, they’re not where you left them, are they? They’re in a different place!?My brother looks down from the top bunk bed. The trainers aren’t where he threw them. They’re neatly side by side, next to the book case. Mum switches on the light. ?What’s the matter? Who was shouting?? ?He was,? says my brother, pointing at me. ?He’s being silly, as usual. He says he saw my trainers try to eat a baby mouse. He says they’ve been out in our garden hunting!? ?Well, why have they moved over there? I shout at him.? ?They weren’t there when we went to sleep. That proves they’ve been out somewhere.? ?Oh, that,? says mum. ?I moved them. I always come in when you’re asleep and tidy up a bit. Haven’t you noticed how this bedroom’s always neat and tidy when you wake up??

?no,? says my brother. ?But I saw them,? I tell Mum. ?I saw them out in the garden just now. They were munching a moth!?

?you just had a bad dream,? says Mum. ?That’s all.? and she switches off the light. ?Are you still awake?? I ask my brother, in the dark. ?Yes,? comes a voice from the top bunk. ?I did see them,? I tell him. ?Honestly, it wasn’t a dream. I should watch out of I were you. I wouldn’t put my feet in those trainers. Not for a million pounds. They might nibble your toes. They might gobble your feet.?

?just go to sleep,? says my brother. But he sounds a bit worried.

The next day the house is very quiet. No thud, thud. No clump, clump. I can walk around in my bare feet. I can lie on the floor and read my book. Where are the big, purple,

mouse-guzzling trainers? ?I left them on the bus,? says my brother.

Mum goes mad. ?They were brand-new trainers. They cost a lot of money.? ?Sorry,? says my brother. ?It was an accident. Honest it was.?

Mum phones the bus company. Nobody’s seen a pair of big, puffy, purple trainers with soles like tractor tyres. ?I can’t understand it.? says Mum. ?There’s no sign of them. They can’t have walked off the bus by themselves.?

My brother and I look at each other. But we daren’t grin because mum’s in a bad mood. Keep your eyes open. One of these days, you might see a pair of big purple trainers. You might see them in the moonlight clump


Thud (脚步声)噔

My big brother's got… 我哥哥有… all the time 一天到晚in them 穿着它们shakes 震动;晃动

Stop that noise! 别在那儿制造噪音了!puffy 圆鼓鼓的purple 紫色的

They've got soles as thick as = Their soles are as thick as 鞋底厚得像,鞋底有…那么厚tractor tyres 拖拉机外带Clump 嗑啷

clumping to his bedroom 嗑啷嗑啷地走向卧室Gangway! 让开!

squash myself against the wall 把自己紧贴在墙上so my feet don't get crushed 免得脚被踩扁hate 讨厌

horrible 可怕的,恐怖的slams 砰地关上了

Thank goodness 谢天谢地lie 躺

Stomp 咚咚(跺脚声)tremble 颤抖

a herd of elephants 一群大象heading this way 正朝这边走来crushing machines 碾压

Mind my,book.小心我的书。trampling on it 踩上了

throws himself into a chair 一屁股坐在一张沙发椅上

props his big purple feet up 翘起了他的大紫脚on one another 一只压着另一只,两脚交

叉telly 电视机

favourite programme 最喜欢的节目in the way 挡着了menace 祸害

Take them off 脱掉great 太好了

Not Ever! 永远不!

do up those dangly laces 把耷拉的鞋带系好break your neck 摔断脖子,摔死dangle 耷拉着;拖沓着monster 怪物squash 碾碎daisies 雏菊grass 草地

be banned 受到禁止even 甚至So 于是

top bunk bed (上下铺的)上铺throws down 扔下

whump 哐(拟声词,鞋子掉到地上的声音)land 落到,落在

bottom bunk bed 下铺switches off 关掉了(灯)even bigger 甚至更大了tongues 舌头stick out at 冲…伸出来spider 蜘蛛

watching me back 反过来望着我

are alive 是活的

can’t be alive 不可能是活的fall asleep 睡着了have moved 挪了位置

There's no doubt about it 这毫无疑问。

neatly side by side 整齐地并排放着didn't move them 没有动它们snoring 打呼噜

You've been out 你们出去了一趟wag my finger at… 向…摇手指on your own 独自

warn 警告

stay awake 不睡觉,醒着just wait and see 就等着瞧吧creaking 嘎吱作响metal holes 金属孔lace holes 鞋带眼儿

slurpy 说话声咕噜咕噜的

groans 嘟嘟嚷嚷地说道(表示抱怨)

You do talk a load of rubbish!你真是在胡说八道!turns over 翻过身去

getting me really mad 气得我简直发疯wrecking 毁坏,破坏crayons 蜡笔

mashed into the carpet 被踩碎到地毯里

You shouldn't have left them on the floor 你本来就不该把它们放在地上bet 敢说

those trainers did it 是运动鞋干的get away from 摆脱

all over the house 整个屋子squashed 踩压

chewing gum 口香糖got used to them 穿惯了control 控制

keep treading on things 总是踩到东西fault 错误as if 好像

have a life of their own 自身是有生命的exactly right完全对

have a secret life 过着一种秘密生活on their own 自行其事must do 一定是这样else否则

by morning 到早晨的时候prove 证明follow 跟踪

spy on… 监视… It's night time. 到夜间了。

like I said l would 就像我说过的那样It's hard work. 做起来不容易。

My eyes keep closing. 上下眼皮直打架。whisper 悄悄说

Stay awake! 打起精神!

behaving themselves 还算规矩老实so far 到目前为止

haven't moved at all 一动没动glittering 在闪光trust 信任

sneaky 鬼鬼祟祟,偷偷摸摸eyelids 眼皮

dropping down 垂下来on the move 行动起来了

marching down the stairs 正大步走下楼梯What if 要是…怎么办?Even though 尽管making an awful din 弄得丁零当啷作响slip out of bed 溜下床tip-toe 踮着脚走

in my bare feet 光脚,没穿鞋at the bottom of… 在…底下trapped 被困住ever 曾经hamster 仓鼠

squeeze through 挤过;钻过a tiny space 极小的空间letter box 信箱口(英语国家住家户的前门上一般都有一个信箱口,供邮递员往屋里投递信件。)they're escaping 他们要逃走the glass bit in the front door 前门上的那块玻璃(为了采光,许多人家的前门上都安装有一块玻璃。)path 小径

let myself out 把自己放了出来go mad 气疯silver 银色的

in my pyjamas 穿着睡衣on a mission 在执行任务I'm finding out 我要发现all about关于… 的…切情况bush 灌木丛

innocent 善良无辜

in the moonlight 在月光下out for a walk 外出散步that's all 不过如此moth 蛾子flies by 飞过来suddenly 突然

spring into action 立刻行动起来throws out 抛出lasso 套索

flutters 扇动翅膀

can't get free 无法逃脱flicks out 向外一弹gulp 咕的一口is gone 不见了

I can't believe it! 我简直不敢相信!Hunting for things to eat. 在捕猎食物。carnivorous 食肉动物hunters 猎手

guzzle 大口大口地吃

in sight 视线中,看得见的shiny 亮闪闪的beetle 甲壳虫trundles 缓缓地爬

He doesn't stand a chance. 它毫无机会。Flick goes the lace 鞋带一弹dragged 被拖throat 喉咙

Crunch 咔嚓咔嚓

‘Burp!’goes the trainer. ?嗝!?运动鞋打了个嗝。worm 蚯蚓

pops its head up 探起头来

Wham!goes the trainer and stomps on it.运动鞋?啪!?的一声跺上去。

licks it up 把它舔起来吃了sniff the air 闻着空气中的味道gobble 吞食

rustling 窸窸窣窣的声音gleam (眼睛)发光,放光darts out of… 从…冲了出来in deadly danger 有生命危险gobble you up 把你一口吞了Run for your life! 快逃命吧!

pitter-patters nearer, nearer 噼里啪啦地越走越近Fast as you can blink 一眨眼tied up被绑了起来

an Egyptian mummy 一具埃及木乃伊

slides out 不声不响地伸出来trying to get some sleep 正要睡觉crunch 踩碎

rubbing his eyes 揉揉他的眼睛cry 喊道

next to… 紧挨着…;在…旁边book case 书架

switches on the light 打开灯as usual 像往常一样

moved over there 挪到那边了tidy up a bit 稍微整理一下房间neat 干净tidy 整齐just now 刚才

munching 嘎吱嘎吱吃

had a bad dream 做了一个噩梦switched off the light 把灯关掉了Honestly 老实说watch out 当心

if I were you 我要是你

Not for a million pounds. 给我一百万英镑也不行。nibble 啃

mouse-guzzling 嘎吱嗄吱吃老鼠的

left them on the bus 把它落在公交车上了goes mad 气疯了brand-new 崭新的

cost a lot of money 花了很多钱It was an accident.不是有意的。Honest it was.真的。the bus company 公交公司

There's no sign of them. 连个影子也没有。walked off the bus 走下公交车daren't 不敢grin (咧嘴)笑

in a bad mood 心情不好

Keep your eyes open. 睁大眼睛。One of these days 说不定哪一天Squeak 嘎吱嘎吱声leave them alone 不理会它们

keep right out of their way 离它们远远地




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